
Current BHUSD Dress Code Standards in grades K - 8 are as follows:


·       Students shall wear clothes that are neat, clean, unfrayed and in good repair, reflecting a professional atmosphere of learning


·       Headgear, including caps, hats and/or bandanas shall not be worn on campus except for outdoor activities. This applies to both male and female students. Exceptions may be granted for religious and/or medical reasons.


·       Students shall not be permitted to wear attire, which features offensive and/or vulgar words, pictures, or drawings, including naming advertising, or promoting sexually related products or activities.


·       Students shall not be permitted to wear attire, which includes words, phrases, or pictures that are derogatory regarding a person’s ethnic background, national origin, religious beliefs, gender, or disability.


·       Students shall not be permitted to wear attire, which suggests a gang affiliation, bear inappropriate logos including graffiti style language/logos.


·       Students shall not be permitted to wear attire, which promote or advertise illegal activities. Including items related to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.


·       Students shall not wear make-up, lipstick or colored lip-gloss.


·       Students shall not wear tops showing the mid-section of one’s body, revealing tank tops, tube tops, sheer blouses, halter tops, spaghetti straps, or open backed shirts. No revealing clothing that does not provide appropriate coverage or detracts from the academic environment.


·       Skirts and Shorts must be no more than 5 inches above the knee except when leggings or tights are worn underneath.


·       Leggings and tights must be covered by shorts, dress, or skirt.


·       Undergarments shall not be visible


·       For reasons of safety, students shall not attend school in bare feet and must wear closed-toed shoes (no thongs, slippers, or “flip-flops”).


·       Student hair shall be neat, clean, and natural looking in color and style.


·       Students shall not wear thick, bulky chains, inordinately long earrings, or wallet chains.


·       Students shall not wear sagging or oversized pants or other clothing. Pants must be worn at the waist utilizing belts as needed. Belts may not hang down.


·       The principal and staff of each school may establish reasonable additional regulations regarding student appearance and attire to be required of students.


·       Students may use sunscreen during the school day, without a physician’s note or prescription.


Students who do not follow these specific dress code rules or wear clothing that is inappropriate for school will be sent to the office for appropriate attire.

First Infraction:

·       Referral to Assistant Principal for change of clothing. Parents will be contacted.

Second Infraction:

·       Referral to Assistant Principal. Parent must bring change of clothes and meet with Assistant Principal.

Third Infraction:

·       Referral to Assistant Principal. Student may be suspended.